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In Person Learning

COVID-19 Procedures and Protocols

Health Behaviors and Protective Measures

Hand Washing and Hygiene

  • Video: ASD Return to Learn – Hygiene
  • In keeping with guidelines from health officials, hand washing is the preferred method to disinfect hands.  Hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. 
  • Scheduled hand washing will take place before lunch and after recess.  Beyond these times, additional hand washing opportunities are available to classes in keeping with a set schedule so that we can maintain social distancing and not overwhelm our bathroom usage.  Grade levels will be designated to specific bathrooms to help us avoid overcrowding.   Teachers are welcome to utilize the sinks in their classrooms for hand washing if they would prefer.  The important principle is that hand washing should be a frequent part of our students’ daily schedules. 
  • As with students, teachers and other school employees should wash their hands frequently as well.
  • Students are encouraged to avoid touching their faces.

Hand Sanitizer

  • When time and circumstances do not allow for hand washing or if students and employees do not have ready access to soap and water, use of a hand sanitizer that is at least 60 percent alcohol is an appropriate alternative. 
  • Hand sanitizer spray bottles have been procured for every classroom.
  • Students should sanitize their hands before and after use of shared learning materials (i.e. math manipulatives, classroom library books, etc.). 
  • Children under 6 years old should be supervised when they use hand sanitizer.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • About Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Each school will receive a district-provided startup package of PPE equipment.  
  • Employees that provide care for and supervise students who display COVID-19 symptoms should wear gloves, a cloth or disposable face mask, and a face shield.  Care should be taken to not touch one’s face and to sanitize thoroughly after interacting with the student.

Face Coverings (Masks and Shields)

  • Who will be required to wear a face covering at school?
  • The subject of masks and face coverings has become a rather emotionally charged and politicized topic.  Regardless, it is our responsibility to uphold the health guidelines and requirements we have been given from our state and local health officials.  By executive order from the governor and under the direction of the Utah County Health Department, all employees and students are expected to wear a mask or face covering on the bus, in common areas, during transition times, classrooms, when arriving and dismissing from school, and where social distancing is not feasible.  The district “Return to Learn” plan notes that occasional allowances may be made for a student to remove his/her mask under the discretion of the teacher or another school employee with appropriate social distancing.  We will not default to such exceptions but rather prioritize mask wearing throughout the school as outlined.  We respectfully request our patrons’ full support of this practice so we can work together as a school and community to help our students have a safe and learning-focused return to school.
  • There will be times when it is appropriate for students to remove their face masks or coverings (i.e. lunch, physical activity, recess). Students will be directed by a teacher or a member of the school staff when it is appropriate to remove masks. 
      • Health department officials have determined that masks can be left inside the classroom on the students’ desks before students leave for lunch and recess.  Upon leaving the classroom, students will need to socially distance in the hallway and while washing hands.
      • Masks will not be worn when students engage in physical education activities.  They may be left inside a classroom or in another designated area where masks won’t be intermixed.   
  • All masks and face coverings should follow dress code guidelines. There should not be inappropriate pictures or words on a mask or face covering.
  • The UCHD has approved the use of a face shield by students or employees in lieu of a mask if desired.
  • If a student shows up at school without a mask, the school will provide the student with a disposable mask so he/she won’t miss out on important classroom instruction.  Families, due to a limited inventory of disposable masks, please make every effort to send your child to school with a mask. 
  • Cloth masks should be washed frequently. 

Assigned Seating (Classrooms)

  • Teachers must maintain a record of all student seating assignments.  In the event of a possible COVID-19 exposure, these records will be used to facilitate contact tracing. 


  • Posters showing symptoms prohibiting entrance into the school will be displayed on the doors of all district facilities.

COVID-19 Symptoms

  • What are COVID-19 symptoms?
  • Staff and students are asked to stay home if they feel sick. 
  • Parents should monitor their children each morning and should not send them to school if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:
      • Fever greater than 100.4 degrees
      • Cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing
      • Chills or muscle aches
      • Sore throat
      • Can’t smell/loss of sense of taste
      • If exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last two weeks
  • If staff or students display symptoms of illness at school, they will be sent home.  Students and employees showing COVID symptoms should not return to school or work until they have followed all of the criteria established by the local health department or their health care provider.  Employees should communicate with their immediate supervisor if they are unable to perform their essential functions in person.  School employees should consult ASD Rules and Regulations 4162 to determine if their particular condition warrants special accommodation.

Monitoring Guidelines

  • What happens if a student gets sick at school?
  • When should my child be tested for COVID-19?
  • What constitutes a close contact exposure?
  • All employees should be mindful of self, students’ and co-workers’ health and safety.
  • We will implement certain measures to help students, staff members, and visitors check for symptoms.   Students will be asked at the beginning of every school day if they are exhibiting any symptoms or if they have come in close contact with someone who has COVID-19.  At some point in the midday, students will again be asked if they are showing any symptoms.
  • Staff members will follow-up on incidents of student absenteeism.
  • Parents should obtain a doctor’s note and send it to school if their child exhibits symptoms for another reason (allergies, etc.).  This is a requirement to allow a student to remain at school.  Without such a note, all children exhibiting any one of the above noted COVID-19 symptoms will be sent home.
  • If a child displays COVID-19 symptoms at school, we will follow the protocols outlined on the district’s COVID-19 Screening Flowchart.  If necessary, school officials may contact their assigned school nurse or the Utah County Health Department at 801-851-4357. 
  •  Both visitors and volunteers are asked if they are displaying any COVID-19 related symptoms to please not enter the building.

High Risk Individuals

  • Who is at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19?
  • As per protocol, the health department will notify the parents of students, teachers, or employees who are at higher risk in the event of possible COVID-19 exposure and provide guidance on how long individuals should quarantine, how to check for symptoms, and when to consider testing.  To carry out such communication, the school’s Point Of Contact (POC) will provide a list of names to the health department of students, teachers, or employees who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 who are known to have come into close contact with the person who tested positive.  Please contact the office if you have 
  • If a parent chooses to keep a child at home because the child is at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19, the teacher assigned to the child will work with the family to support the child through our online learning plan.  Students will access the district-created curriculum as the primary learning tool at home, with weekly support and follow-up from the child’s teacher at Meadow  For more information on this learning option, please review our online learning procedures.

Student Illness

  • Students who are sick should not go to school.  This is a good idea for any illness, not just during the COVID-19 pandemic.  In order to return to school, students must be fever-free for 24 hours without the aide of medicines and not exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms.  If COVID-19 symptoms are present that are due to another condition (i.e. seasonal allergies, asthma, etc.), a doctor’s note is required which indicates that the symptoms are associated with a non-COVID-19 related condition.
  • Parents, please ensure we have your most up-to-date contact information in Skyward. 


  • Attendance is an important part of learning and will be taken.  However, in order to accommodate individual circumstances and to ensure we do not encourage attendance when it is not advisable, no student will be penalized for absences.

Student Accommodations

  • School staff will provide reasonable accommodations to meet individual student learning needs, while considering the health and safety needs of others. 
  • We will continue to support the needs of students with disabilities as outlined in students’ Individual Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans.  We will work closely with the Alpine School District Special Education Department to ensure that we are able to provide needed services within the constraints of our current time schedule and in keeping with current health practices.

Incidents of COVID-19 Exposure

  • What happens in the event of a COVID-19 exposure?
  • We will work directly with the Utah County Health Department in the event that a student or staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19.  County health officials will make decisions on a case by case basis.  If an individual school, a cluster, or the entire district is forced to close, teachers and students will shift to 100 percent online instruction.

Positive COVID-19 Cases

  • Students, teachers, or staff who test positive for COVD-19 will not be allowed to attend school.
  • In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the school setting:
      1. Students, teachers, and staff who were wearing a mask and were able to physical distance are not considered exposed.
      2. Students, teachers, and staff who were not able to physical distance will be considered exposed and will be required to be quarantined.

In-School Quarantine Location

  • Each school is responsible to identify a quarantine area for students who are sick with COVID-19 symptoms.  Students will remain in the area, supervised by an employee, until a parent can pick them up. 
  • We will follow the steps of the UCHD COVID-19 Screening Flow Chart to determine how long a child must remain in the quarantine area and if they are to be sent home. 
  • When it is necessary to quarantine or exclude students due to COVID-19 symptoms, we will take care to explain the process and take measured steps to avoid stigma with all students.

Contact Tracing

  • How will contact tracing and exposure notification occur?
  • What laws protect student and employee health information?
  • School nurses will be the school’s health department contact person for assistance with contact tracing.
  • While investigating the exposure, health department officials will ask:
      • Were all individuals masked?
      • Were individuals socially distanced to the maximum extent possible?
  • Health department officials will notify the parents of students, teachers, or employees who are at higher risk in the event of possible COVID-19 exposure and provide guidance on how long individuals should quarantine, how to check for symptoms, and when to consider testing.
  • The school’s Point Of Contact (POC) will notify any other eligible students or students’ parents, teachers, or employees who may have been exposed to the person who tested positive. The POC will provide guidance on how long they should quarantine, how to check for symptoms, and when to consider testing.


  • We will follow whatever  the current recommendation is from the county health departments, which currently is that students and teachers will follow standard quarantine practices and procedures.  This means that anytime someone has a close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 (i.e. being within 6 feet of a person with a confirmed case of COVID-19 for fifteen minutes or more), that person should spend their entire 14-day quarantine period at home, not attend school, and not participate in extracurricular activities.
  • When face-to-face students are required to quarantine due to a close contact exposure with COVID-19, students will continue their instruction at home.  Inasmuch as teachers have aligned their in-person instruction with the instructional sequence of the district’s online curriculum, educators might dovetail a quarantined student’s learning experience with that of their online students.  If a teacher’s in person teaching sequence is slightly different from the timeline of the district’s online curriculum, a teacher might choose to work out an alternative solution to provide quarantined students with ongoing instruction.  Regardless of how the instruction looks and in what form teachers will continue the learning of quarantined students, we will continue to provide students with the best learning experiences we are able to provide.

Returning to School

Outbreaks and School Closure

Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting


  • As per our usual custodial practices, regular cleaning will take place to remove dust, debris, and dirt from surfaces, furnishings, and floors.


  • Daily cleaning and sanitizing will occur at each Alpine facility following district health and safety guidelines.  Physical facilities team members will provide continued guidance and support for schools. 
  • Teachers are asked to help sanitize their rooms at the end of each school day by cleaning desktops and touch points with a school-provided sanitizing spray. 
      • A sanitizing regimen will be worked into our existing end-of-day routines with students. 


  • Members of our custodial team will deeply disinfect each classroom at least weekly using an industry-standard disinfectant solution.

Back-to-School Night

An in person Back-to-School Night will take place on Monday, August 17, 2020 for students that will return to school for face-to-face instruction.  The Back-to-School night will follow an open house format, outside around the perimeter of the school.   This will be following a brief “Meet-Greet & Go” format.  Please see the attached map of each grade level locations: 

To ensure the experience is as safe and worry free as possible for our students, teachers, and guests, we ask all employees and families to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Arrive at the Back-to-School night event on a staggered schedule based on the first letter of your family’s last name.  This will help us maintain social distancing and limit the flow of persons coming into the school at any given time. 
      1. 5:00-5:40  Last name     A – G
      2. 5:40-6:20  Last name     H – O
      3. 6:20-7:00  Last name     P – Z
  2. All employees, students, and family members must wear masks. 
  3. Hand sanitizer will be available at several locations throughout the grade level stations.
  4. Please limit your classroom visits to your current-year teachers only.  Students should not visit the classrooms of previous teachers.
  5. We encourage families to socialize after our Back-to-school night, off school grounds!

The PTA will have a table located outside the school where patrons can join the PTA and help support our awesome Meadow PTA!

School Schedule


  • AM Kindergarten Session: 9:15am – 11:30am
  • PM Kindergarten Session: 12:15pm – 2:30pm

Grades 1-6

  • AM Track:  8:00am – 1:15pm
  • PM Track: 9:15am – 2:30pm

Transportation to School

Car Drop-Off and Carpooling

  • If a child is riding in a vehicle with only family members, mask wearing is not necessary.  However, if students will be participating in a carpool, we strongly encourage all individuals in the car to wear masks. 


  • Mask wearing is not necessary if a child is walking or biking to school alone or with family members. 
  • If walking with other students outside of one’s own family, students should wear a mask if social distancing is not possible and if the student is not engaged in strenuous physical activity.  If biking, skateboarding, scootering, or roller-blading to school, students should not wear masks.

Student Arrival and Dismissal

Student Arrival

Entering the Building

  • AM Track students should NOT arrive at school earlier than 7:35 am (if eating breakfast), as supervision is not provided before this time.  PM Track students should NOT arrive earlier than 8:50am (if eating breakfast), as supervision is not available to these students before this time.
  • Students that will eat breakfast at school should first sanitize their hands upon entering the building.  They can then enter the lunchroom and follow our breakfast procedures (see School Meals section for more detail on breakfast procedures). 
      • Students that eat breakfast at home will simply line up at their assigned area outside of the building.
  • All students must wear masks prior to entering the school, and while waiting in their assigned line-up location.

Student Dismissal

  • In an effort to avoid an excess of congestion, students will be released in groups at two different times as outlined below:
      1. Students that walk and ride bikes or scooters  will be dismissed 5 mins before the bell.
      2. Car riders will be dismissed at the bell.
  • All students and employees must wear masks.
  • Students should exit the building through the exterior doors closest to their classroom, even if this door is further away from where they will board a bus or be picked up. 
  • To avoid undue congestion, siblings should not pick up younger siblings at their classrooms.  Parents should establish a meeting location outside the school where older siblings can meet up with younger siblings. 
  • All doors will be thoroughly disinfected at the end of each school day. 

School Meals

Breakfast and lunch will be provided each school day in a “grab and go” format and will include hot lunch menu items that will be updated on the Nutrislice website once menus are finalized.  We will utilize  our cafeteria, as well as designated classrooms at Meadow for all meals.  Grades 1-3 will eat at staggered times in the cafeteria with grades 4-6 at staggered times in designated classrooms.  Social distancing will be observed to the maximum extent possible.  Specific eating areas for students with food allergies will continue to be designated.


  • No more than 4 students should sit at a table so as to maintain appropriate distancing between students.  Siblings are welcome to sit next to one another, but students should not sit directly next to friends. 
  • Students should wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before eating.
  • Students will keep their masks on while picking up their food items.  It can be removed while students eat. Students will be responsible to keep track of their own masks. 
  • Upon finishing breakfast, students should throw away all trash items and proceed directly to the designated, grade-level line up through the front doors.


  • All students will wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before eating lunch, or use appropriate hand sanitizer.
    • Lunch will take place by grade level, with only one (1) grade level eating at a time.
    • Students will have 12 minutes to eat before they are excused to recess. 
    • Our lunchroom tables will be organized by individual classes.
    • Sharing of food items is not allowed.
    • All table and serving area surfaces will be cleaned between each grade level lunch period.
    • At the end of the lunch period, students should throw trash items away in the nearest trash can located to their table area and immediately exit the gym through the nearest door.  These doors will be propped open to minimize contact, as well as the exterior doors to the playground.
    • Hand sanitizer will be available for them as they exit to the playground.

Home Lunch

  • We strongly encourage our home lunch students to bring lunches that are packaged in bags and materials that are completely disposable so that everything can be thrown away at the end of the lunch period (i.e. brown paper bags).  Please visit with individual teachers for circumstances that may require an accommodation.  Lunches should remain in the child’s backpack until it is time for lunch, at which time it can be removed and carried by the student to the lunchroom.  

Grading and Assessment


  • When possible, digital work submissions are encouraged so as to minimize touch-points between students and teachers.
  • Teachers will continue to monitor and evaluate student learning progress.  Progress will be reported using the Alpine School District Standards-based Report Card. 
  • Due to the shortened daily school schedule, we will focus on teaching, assessing, supporting, and grading certain standards that are deemed to be essential.
  • Students should not grade one another’s work if it involves the sharing of paper-based materials.  Digital sharing is certainly allowed. 
  • Teachers should take care to not touch their faces while grading student work.
  • All assignments and grades will be entered in Skyward, the district’s student information management system.  For details on how to login to Skyward, click here.


  • Students will participate in the following state, district, and school level assessments this school year:
    • State-level Assessments
        • RISE year-end assessments (English Language Arts (ELA), math, and science)
        • Kindergarten KEEP assessment (literacy and math)
        • Acadience (Grades K-3) basic reading skills assessment
    • District-level Assessments
        • Alpine School District Benchmark Assessment (ELA)
    • School-level Assessments
        • Common Grade-level assessments

Instruction and Student Support

Classroom Instruction

  • A face covering (mask or face shield) must be worn at all times.
  • Teachers and students should make every effort to not touch their faces and to minimize contact with others.
  • Hand sanitizer should be used before and after using shared materials (i.e. math manipulatives, classroom books, shared art supplies, etc.).

Learning Supplies

  • Students will maintain their own sets of general learning materials and art supplies, including such items as crayons, scissors, pencils, etc.  In some instances, these items have already been procured by teachers through the use of their individual supply funds.  Please check with your child’s teacher to more fully understand which items might be helpful to bring from home.  

Seating Arrangements

  • Desks will be spread out as much as possible in classrooms.  All desks should face the front of the classroom.  When tables are used, all chairs/students should face the front of the room. If necessary, extra furniture should be removed from the room to maximize the space in the classroom.  Students will be appropriately spaced to the maximum extent possible.

Specialty Instruction

We will offer our students three  specialty class offerings including Computers (with Mrs. Mangum), P.E. (with Mrs. Talich), and art (with Mrs. Felix).  Specialty classes will follow a four week rotation with students attending each specialty class for a one-week period (Tuesday -Friday), followed by one week without specialty classes where more intense intervention and extension activities will be in the regular classroom.   Our specialty teachers will create a rotating monthly schedule for all classes that will ensure proper disinfecting can take place in our specialty rooms and with all specialty equipment before use by another class. 


Students will have the opportunity to check out books from the library once a week.  All library books will have a 72-quarantine period before they are cleaned and re-circulated.  All students and teachers  must wear masks in the library.

Meadow Houses

Our Meadow House system is an integral part of our school’s character building, social and emotional wellness plan.  Due to the shortened schedule for this year we are needing to make some adjustments to our House meetings.  

  • House meetings will occur twice per month in split groups (i.e. one house divided into 3 different groups in 3 different locations).
  • Due to schedule changes, House meetings will be held on Mondays from 12:30-1:15.  These will be held twice a month.


Individual Education Plans (IEP) and 504 Plans

  • Students with disabilities who are served with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan will continue to receive services and supports. IEP teams and 504 teams will meet with parents to outline and determine the details of individual plans. Special education is about meeting the needs of the individual student. Our response to each individual student will include various options, in some cases including both online and in-person services as determined by the IEP team. Teams will meet to determine appropriate academic and behavioral support, accommodations and modifications, clarifying where and when specialized instruction warranted through the IEP will take place.

Substitute Teachers

  • Substitute teachers will be provided with a PPE safety pack, which includes a mask (if needed), gloves, hand sanitizer, a map of the school, and a copy of health guidelines and protocols.
  • We anticipate a dramatic increase of need for substitute teachers this year. If you are looking for a way to help us implement this plan successfully, working as a substitute teacher is a great way you can help our school continue operating in the coming weeks and months.  Hours are flexible, and with 91 schools in the district and the need for hundreds of substitutes each day, there are plenty of opportunities for you to work as frequently as you’d like.  Whether you’re a recent college graduate looking to work your way into a full-time teaching position, a retired teacher interested in getting back into the classroom, or anyone looking to make a positive contribution in the education of our students, we have a place for you!  For more information, please visit


1-6 grade students will have one recess period in the course of the shortened school day.  Due to the limited time in Kindergarten sessions, students will not have a recess period in this grade.  Our teachers will ensure that our Kindergarten students have ample opportunity to stretch and get some wiggles out in their classrooms.

During Recess

  • Our playground will have 4 designated zones that grade levels will be assigned to for a one-week period at a time.  
  • Masks do not need to be worn while outside, though students should make every effort to maintain physical distancing with peers.  Games and play that involve close proximity or contact should be avoided. 
  • Students are able to use slides, balls, swings, and other play equipment.  Play equipment will not be sanitized, but will be cleaned as needed in keeping with existing cleanliness procedures. 

After Recess

  • Upon re-entering the school, students will sanitize or wash their hands.

Additional Considerations

Water Bottles and Drinking Fountains

  • We strongly encourage students to utilize personal water bottles for drinking during the day.  We will be having touchless water bottle refill stations installed in the near future.  We feel this is the most sanitary way to get a drink and minimize a student’s points-of-contact. Until these are available,  the classroom sink will be  used to fill a water bottle with  a designated adult being the one to turn on the faucet or push the button in order to follow health and safety guidelines.  Water bottles should be washed regularly and have a top that can be securely fastened. 
  • Contrary to the practice in some locations of closing drinking fountains, the drinking fountains in Alpine School District schools will not be closed and can continue to be used for drinking purposes.  Families should be aware, though, that shared drinking fountains serve as a point-of-contact between multiple individuals, which is an increased health risk factor.  It is important, though, that students without a water bottle are able to access to drinking water throughout the school day.  Drinking fountains will be sanitized regularly so as to mitigate their associated risk factors.

Walking in Hallways

  • As with driving, individuals walking in hallways should always remain on the right side.  Floor signage will remind students about this direction of travel.
  • Individuals should take extra care to ensure they maintain appropriate physical distancing.  Floor markers will serve as a visible reminder to maintain at least 6 feet of physical distancing.

Emergency Drills

  • Monthly emergency drills will take place as outlined in our school emergency procedures.  Masks will be worn when students exit the building and teachers will ensure classes are sufficiently distanced from one another in our evacuation areas.

Vision and Hearing Screenings

  • Vision and hearing screenings will be completed student-by-student and will not take place in a mass screening format. 

Special Events and Extracurricular Activities

  • Birthdays

    • Birthday treats: Treats should be commercially packaged AND individually wrapped.  They will be distributed at the end of class.  Simple non-edibles (i.e. stickers, pencils) are allowed.
    • Birthday lunches: Some parents/guardians have a tradition of eating lunch with their children on their birthday.  Due to our need to maintain physical distancing in the lunchroom, we are unable to accommodate guests in the cafeteria.  Parents are certainly welcome to check their children out from school and eat lunch off site if desired.

    Class Parties

    • Class parties, if held, will need to look different due to our need to maintain as much social distancing as possible.  If held inside, masks will need to be worn.  Masks could be removed to eat a snack, but social distancing would need to be maintained.
    • Volunteers assisting with a class party will need to follow all procedures as outlined in the following Visitors and Volunteers  section.

    Field Trips

    • In light of our present circumstances, off-site field trips will not take place.  Classes are encouraged to connect students with virtual learning experiences.  Currently, our 5th and 6th grade are scheduled to attend Clear Creek in March.  We have been informed that the state must be in a “Green-level” for this to be open, so we will continue to watch and wait!  We will continue to monitor health guidelines as to when traditional fields trips might resume and under what circumstances. 

    Special Events

    • Traditional school-wide events (Halloween parade, holiday sing-along, and dance festival) will not take place in a traditional manner if restrictions continue to be in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as we must avoid events that would bring many people into the school and strain already difficult efforts to appropriately maintain physical distancing.
    • We will evaluate school events as they come on a case-by-case basis in the course of the school year and determine if and how there is a way to modify these events in keeping with health guidelines and restrictions.  This also applies to grade-level specific events  as well as PTA sponsored events.

    Parent/Teacher Conferences

    • Parent/Teacher Conferences (also referred to as Student Education Plan (SEP) Conferences in the Alpine School District) are held twice a year (October 7-8 and February 3-4). 
    • More information will be sent on this information as we approach our first conference window in October. 

Visitors and Volunteers

Visitors and Guests

As we seek to mitigate risk factors that are associated with the spread of COVID-19, it is essential that we adhere to specific guidelines concerning guests and visitors in the school.  Every person that comes into the school is a point-of-contact.  The recommendation we have received from the state is to limit the points-of-contact within a building to those persons that are critical for normal school operations.  This would include our students, teachers, other school employees, and volunteers that are performing a key service or function within the school.  At this point in time we are limiting school admittance to those individuals that fall under these critical personnel categories. 

If parents have an item to bring to a child, they should bring the item to the office and a school employee will deliver the item to the student.  At this point in time we are not facilitating parent/guardian guest attendance in our lunchroom.  We thank you for your understanding and look forward to a time when we can return to our usual operations. 

Frequenting the Office Area

The majority of our visitors will simply be stopping by the office to drop off a student or needed items or to pick up a child.  Even though these visits are brief, we still ask that all visitors frequenting the office area adhere to the following health and safety protocols:

  • Do not enter the school if you are displaying any symptom(s) associated with COVID-19, if you have had contact with someone who has COVID-19, or if you are under a 14-day quarantine for possible COVID-19 exposure.
  • All visitors should sanitize their hands upon entering the school. 
  • All persons entering the school building must wear a mask.  Only those individuals wearing a mask will be admitted into the office area.  
  • Observe 6 feet of physical distancing with other patrons or school personnel.
  • We will limit the number of persons in our office area at a given time (including school personnel) so as to maintain 6 feet of physical distancing.  If we are already at capacity, some individuals may be asked to wait in the vestibule area until we are safely able to admit others into the office area.
  • Visitors must remain in the office area only.  When needed, school personnel will direct visitors where to go for scheduled meetings.

Attendance for Required Meetings

We recognize that parents will have occasion to visit the school for required meetings, such as the review of a child’s IEP or 504 plan, therapy services for preschool students, discussions with a teacher about a child’s learning progress, or the completion of student assessments.  We are happy to welcome visitors for these purposes.  In addition to the above measures for frequenting the office area, additional health measures will be in place for guests that will be visiting the school for required meetings; we thank you for your adherence to these protocols:

  • All meetings with school personnel must be scheduled ahead of time.  If a patron desires to meet with a teacher but the meeting is not scheduled, the patron will be asked to contact the teacher to first make an appointment. 
  • All visitors are asked if they have displayed any symptoms associated with COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, if they have been around someone who has COVID-19, or if they have recently traveled out of state or out of the country to please reschedule their meeting at a future time or to complete the meeting virtually. 
  • We request that families do everything possible to limit the presence of small children.  We acknowledge, however, that such arrangements may not be possible.  In such cases, ensure your child’s hands are sanitized and please watch your child to ensure that he/she remains next to you at all times.  
  • Visitors should leave the school promptly when their visit is complete.


We’re grateful to volunteers that help us in our work to support student learning and provide our students with connection opportunities to the school and caring adults.  In light of our present circumstances, we need to balance these aims with the need to minimize persons within a building to those that are essential to daily operations.  In addition to the above measures for frequenting the office area, additional health measures will be in place for guests that will be volunteering in the school:

  • All volunteer work must be scheduled in advance. 
  • Volunteers are not allowed to bring younger or older children with them so as to limit the number of non-essential personnel that are in the building.
  • All volunteers are asked if they have displayed any symptoms associated with COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, if they have been around someone who has COVID-19, or if they have recently traveled out of state or out of the country to please reschedule their meeting at a future time or to complete the meeting virtually. 

Attendance at PTA and School Community Council (SCC) Meetings

  • The PTA and SCC are valued organizations that give much to the school and help our students have successful and enriching learning experiences.  In the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic, schools are encouraged to minimize the number of persons in the building who are not employees or students.  In keeping with this request, PTA and SCC meetings will take place virtually over Google Meet or Zoom sessions as much as possible.  If held in person, social distancing procedures will be in place, as well as wearing masks, as required by the state.  Details of these meeting sessions will be forthcoming.